Adolescent Children and Alcohol
As a parent and grandfather, I share the worry of many parents about how to deal with adolescent drinking. Recently, I came across some great advice on a blog called Alcohol and Parenting.
What should I tell my adolescent child about drink?
Firstly, we need to look at our own relationship with alcohol and assess if we, as parents, are setting the right example. What does sensible drinking mean to you? Different parents will have very different ideas about this. Are we showing them how to enjoy a drink moderately?
What age do children start to drink?
It is impossible for parents to control their child’s exposure to drink, and drugs for that matter. The law states that no one under the age of 18 can buy alcohol, and adults can’t buy it for them. But as we know, this does not stop the availability of alcohol amongst young children. Young people’s bodies are continuously developing, so alcohol can cause serious and long-term damage. In fact, this year the WHO made a statement that no level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health, no matter our age.
If you are worried about your child’s drinking, keep channels of communication open and remember that you are still important to them. Some parents underestimate how much influence they still have over their children, even when they are teenagers.