
During the pandemic Paddy found solace in the beauty of his surroundings and paired it with poetry readings. Alongside his ongoing work as an advocate for mental health and addiction recovery in the workplace, Paddy understands that creativity goes hand-in-hand with personal mindfulness.

A word from Paddy:

“Sunday 30th May is my late Dad’s 108th Birthday – he loved being immersed in the natural outdoor world – looking out over the Shannon Estuary from his bolt hole (as kids we knew it as the turf shed)

Last week I got my 2nd Covid vaccine at the Tarbert Medical Centre, also overlooking the same Shannon Estuary. A massive Thank You to Dr. Dom Lehane and his team for the most professionally delivered vaccination service to the senior citizens in our community over the past few months.

Come to think of it all who live in our locality are never more than a ‘stone’s throw away’ from the beautiful Shannon Estuary  – so with summertime now in full flow click here and bring the calming waters, spoken word and music into your life for the next ten minutes.”

Paddy shares these poetry videos, and local insights of Tarbert, with you and hope they will bring you peace and harmony, in times of adversity.

Latest Poetry with Paddy Videos


Have questions?

You can contact Paddy via the details below:

+353 87 253 2011

Main Street, Tarbert, Co Kerry, Ireland

  • 5 + 95 =


    Developing business plans from startups to large corporations, Paddy Creedon brings a personable and creative approach to business management.

    Grounded in over 40 years experiences, along with his academic qualifications Paddy has the innate ability to get to the nub of the business challenges, quickly and is very solution focused.

    Paddy also enjoys public speaking, poetry and creative writing...
